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Έκδοση βεβαίωσης φοίτησης


Ατομικό δελτίο υγείας μαθητή



Όμιλοι 24-25


Αποτελέσματα εξετάσεων για κάλυψη κενής θέση στην Β΄ τάξη του σχολείου, για το 2024-25

Αριθμός εισακτέων στην Α΄τάξη: 156
Αρχική σελίδα / Our School

_Our School

Our School

The 2nd Experimental Junior High School of Athens is a state school located in the center of Athens and it operates according to the Curricula established by the Greek Ministry of Education.

The staff is composed by 48 teachers and the number of the students is 486 (classes 7th-9th). The headmistress of the school is Mrs Chaido Kallitsaki.

The school is distinguished for the implementation of innovative activities and practices:

a. Teachers have established a cross-thematic approach across all subjects in order for students to complete language literacy e.g. CLIL and acquiring ICT skills.

b. In cooperation with museums, in-service organizations and places of cultural, historical and environmental interest, students have the opportunity to work collectively outside the classroom and broaden their knowledge.

c. After classes are completed, clubs of excellence and innovation start, where students of all schools have the opportunity to expand their knowledge in areas of personal interest and aptitudes.

d. The school creates and applies new curricula, teaching methodologies, educational material in cooperation with Greek Universities, such as the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

e. In cooperation with the Institute of Educational Policy, University Faculties and school advisors, seminars for professional development, symposiums and meetings, which are addressed to teachers, take place at school.

f. With the collaboration of Universities the school also works with undergraduate students, in order for them to complete their practice as a prerequisite for acquiring their bachelor.

g. The school is evaluated every year for its function, while all of its teachers are evaluated every five years.

h. Lastly, the school has an important experience in taking part in various European projects such as Erasmus+KA1 and KA2, as well as eTwinning projects


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