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Νέο! [24.4.24] Εισαγωγή σε ΠΣ για το 2024-2025: ανακοίνωση προσωρινού καταλόγου υποψηφίων στο εξεταστικό κέντρο του 2ου Πρότυπου Γυμνασίου Αθηνών

[8.4.24] Εγγραφές μαθητών και μαθητριών της Γ΄ τάξης του 2ου Πρότυπου Γυμνασίου Αθηνών στο Λύκειο

[2.4.24] Ενημέρωση γονέων & κηδεμόνων



Αριθμός εισακτέων στην Α΄τάξη: 156
Αρχική σελίδα

Μαθητές μας στην Ελληνοαμερικανική Ένωση

On June 24, 2014 the class of Γ5 was invited by Ms. Thalia Chatzigianoglou (school counselor) to the Hellenic American Union to show their work.  The presentation was entitled ?Combating Bullying Head On by Using Class Projects?.  Each group presented in English using the public speaking skills that they were taught during the year in their English course.  In other words, they put the theory into practice by formally presenting their projects to the public.  As their teacher, I must commend them, as they left the audience amazed, not only by the way they presented but also by the content.  Discussion followed the presentations and many colleagues suggested another session in order to apply what was done in our school to their schools.  A big bravo to these students who took the initiative to raise awareness of the problem of bullying and bring about change!

Maria Chionis (Μαρία Χιόνη)


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